Rupak Sarkar


I am a fourth year PhD. student at the University of Maryland, College Park in the department of Computer Science in the amazing CLIP lab with Prof. Philip Resnik. My primary area of research is computational pragmatics, with a special interest in the role of implicit content. Current NLP methods focus (too) heavily on the surface form of text, but a large part of the communicative intent of humans is implicit. I am interested in understanding how to model and interpret these implicit aspects of human communication, with specific applications in modeling common ground in conversations, and understanding the role of implicit content in political polarization.

Prior to my PhD, I served as a Course Research Engineer in the course 11-865/11-665 Tracking Political Sentiments Using Machine Learning (Fall 2020) at CMU with instructors Dr. Ashiqur Khudabukhsh, Prof. Tom Mitchell and Prof. Mark Kamlet. My previous research mentor is Prof. Ashiqur R KhudaBukhsh.

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